
标题: 一支铅筆 [打印本页]

作者: 弘圻    时间: 2011-5-14 14:52     标题: 一支铅筆

本帖最后由 弘圻 于 2011-5-14 14:58 编辑


這張照片是 講述一支鉛筆的一生,而這一支普通的鉛筆背後有一段感人的故事,這支鉛筆雖然沒有嘴巴,沒有靈活的手腳,不能夠說話也不能自由地走動,但是有心靈的,他能夠感受身邊的一切,而他的出生就已經在一家老舊的文具店中,在店中看到其他鉛筆穿著美麗的衣服,但自己只有單調的黃色長裙,每天店長都埋怨我沒有人要,經過幾個月後,有一位漂亮的女士,她有黑黑的長頭髮,大大的眼睛,她在我身邊走了幾次,而那天我的命運改變了,這位美麗的小姐成為了我的主人,她是一位藝術家,她非常好惜我,我和她一起畫過無數的圖書,就好像證實著我與她一起生活過的踪跡,但是開心的時光過得很快,我的壽命也快要完結,其實我也想到那天的來臨,我不害怕,因為我有了一段與好美好的回憶,那天主人已經不能再用我來畫畫,但是她沒有把我掉去,她拿了一把美工刀,在我的身上雕出一個心,把我造城一個美麗的藝術品,她幫我影了一張照片,這是我第一張相,也是我一生中唯一的照片,從此我就永遠在她身邊,請珍惜身體每一樣物件.

this is a picture about the entire life of a pencil. there is a story about it

though it doesnt has month, hands, feets.
It can't even speak or move. But it has feeling and he can feel things around him .It was born in an old shop which is selling some special pen and pencil. He saw that there are many other pencils wearing

so special and beautiful. But he was just wearing the same old clothes everyday - yellow dress with black striaght on it. The boss of the old shop doesnt like it because no one buys it. Few months past, a pretty woman with big eyes and gorgeous hair came it me. She changed my life. After that, she bought me. an I belonging her. she likes me a lot. She is a painter. I help her to draw a lot of picture. As we passin thought the days, my life is becoming shorter. I knew it, but I dont feel frighten.

图片附件: clip_image002.jpg (2011-5-14 14:51, 20.77 KB) / 下载次数 2260

作者: 常青藤志愿者1号    时间: 2011-5-14 21:41


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